Suspension of Medicaid Closures and Deductibles
NEW MSA Policy Bulletin Update: 20-19
As a result of the federal emergency health declaration for COVID-19, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is suspending program coverage closures for all Medicaid programs beginning March 18, 2020 and will be in effect through the month of April 2020 or until the first of the month following the termination of the Governor’s Declaration of a State of Emergency Order, whichever is later. Medicaid coverage will only be closed if the individual moves out of state, requests that their benefits close, or they become deceased.
The temporary suspension of closure applies to Medicaid, MI Child, Healthy Michigan Plan and individuals who have active coverage through a met deductible. Individuals who meet their deductible during the declared health emergency period will remain open until the end of the health emergency.
This policy is being implemented in order to ensure that all Medicaid beneficiaries are able to receive needed medical services during the time of COVID-19 national health emergency. Proposed Medicaid policies may be accessed here on the MDHHS website.