Newsletter December 2020

Information Technology

Forest Goodrich
Chief Information Officer

As Mid-State Health Network ends the year for BH-TEDS (Behavioral Health Treatment Episode Data Set) and encounter reporting prior to December 31, 2020, technology staff found this year to be quite different due to the pandemic.  Telehealth and telephonic services quickly became allowable encounters for billing and reporting to MDHHS (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services). CMHSP (Community Mental Health Program) staff had to adjust and revise EMR (electronic medical record) solutions and to assist its remote workforce. With extra planning and effort, our goal to
provide the most accurate and timely information for MDHHS was achieved thanks to everyone involved.

Behavioral Health - Treatment Episode Data Set (BH-TEDS) Consumers Processed to Date for FY 2020: 48,162*  (FY2019 = 59,911)
Mental Health = 36,741;
Substance Use Disorder = 11,421
*Includes Crisis Only Records

Service Encounters Processed to Date for FY 2020: 3,774,231* (FY 2019 = 3,892,783)
Mental Health = 2,914,206 Services;
Substance Use Disorder = 860,025 Services
* Additional Services Can still be Reported During the Month of December.

Trending this information shows a slight drop in service volume during the first 3 months of COVID-19. The MSHN region matches the statewide average during those three months, and remains a high performer when it comes to timeliness and volume submissions per MDHHS contractual requirements.

For additional information, please contact Foest at