Coronavirus (COVID-19)
With the COVID-19 cases now reported in Michigan, our goal is to make resources available to the provider network to ensure all proper measures are taken to protect staff, their families, community partners, and the vulnerable populations we serve.
MSHN Guidance and Resources
- and - Released 3.2.22
- - Updated 6.10.21
- Updated 9.30.21 - Extended through 9.30.22; Updated 4.2.21 - Extended through 9.30.21 with addtional service code; Amended Release 1.12.21 - Extended through 7.9.21
- Updated 11.18.21 - Additional cost coverage for compliance with OSHAUpdated 9.30.21 - Extended through 9.30.22; Corrected Date Error 4.27.21; Amended Release 1.4.21, Extended through 9.30.21 -
- - Updated 1.6.21
- - Updated 9.24.20
- - Released 11.3.20 - Added Rapid Response Staffing Resource, Released 9.22.20 - Added Staffing Resources Released 5.18.20
- - Released 6.30.20
- MSHN Summary of Paycheck Protection Program - Released 6.25.20 - MSHN Summary of Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act - Released 4.30.20 - Added PPP Loan Forgiveness Resources - Released 5.22.20
- CARES Act Provider Relief Fund - Medicaid/CHIP Provider Relief - Released 10.21.20
- Provider Relief Fund Application Deadline Extended to November 6, 2020
- Provider Relief Fund Attestation and Portal Now Available - Released 10.19.20
- - Released 6.5.20
- - Released 5.29.20
- - Released 5.18.20
- - Released 4.6.20
- - Released 4.6.20
- - Released 3.26.20
- - Released 3.13.20
State of Michigan Guidance and Resources
The State of Michigan provides updates on the disease's spread within the state, as well as frequently asked questions available here.
MDHHS COVID-19 Vaccine information can be located here.
Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration (BHDDA) posts communications related to COVID-19 policy updates and changes which impact the public behavioral health system.
MDHHS Issues COVID Guidance and Decision Tool for Adult Foster Care/Homes for the Aged - Released 12.10.20
Habilitative Supports Waiver - Appendix K Extension Timeline - Released 4.6.21
MDHHS Issues A Phased Approach to Resuming Standard Operations for Case Management and other Home and Community Based Services - Released 4.6.21
BHDDA Issues MSA 20-58 COVID-19 Response: Speciality Behavioral Health Supports and Servcies
MDHHS provides listing of Regional Healthcare Coordinators (HCC). CMHSPs and SAPT Providers should contact their assigned regions HCC for obtaining Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please contact MSHN at if the HCC is unable to fill the PPE need.
MDHHS Epidemic Orders & Related Communications
- MDHHS Updates Mask Guidance, Recovery Phase - Released 2.16.22
- MDHHS LTCF Visitation Guidance - Released 3.17.21
- MDHHS Requirements Residential Care Facilities - Rescission of 3.17.21 Order
- Implementation of Required COVID-19 Testing - Rescinded 5.5.21; Released 10.28.20
- RESCINDED Final MDHHS Congregate Care and Juvenile Justice Epidemic Order - Update 10.29.20, Released 10.6.20
- MSA 20-72: Policy for Care and Recovery Centers (CRCs) to Treat COVID-19 Patients and Residents Requiring Nursing Facility Care - Released 11.17.20; MDHHS Designates COVID-19 Regional Hubs - Released 4.17.20; Clarifies HUB Use for Nursing Facilitiy Transfers Only - Released 4.20.20; Clarification of Long-Term Care Facility COVID reporting including AFCs - Released 4.23.20
- - Released 3.25.20; Updated 7.8.20
- - Released 4.8.20
- - Released 3.25.20
- - Released 3.25.20
- - Released 3.17.20
- MDHHS Direct Care Worker COVID-19 Response: Premium Pay - Updated 11.16.21 (Extended 9.30.22) 1.13.21, (Extended 2.28.21) Released 10.28.20 (Extended to 12.31.20) Released 5.12.20
- Gatherings and Face Mask Order FAQ - Direct Care Workers - Released 12.14.20
- Enhanced Protections for Residents and Staff of Long-Term Care Facilities - Released 9.30.20
- MDHHS Direct Care Wage Clarification Memo - Released May 18, 2020
- MDHHS Supporting Peers Communication Document - Released 4.21.20
- Addressing Patients Emotional Needs during COVID - Guidance for Clinicians - Released 4.16.20
- Supporting Emotional Health Toolkit - Released 4.9.20
- - Released 4.4.20
- - Released 4.4.20
- - Released 4.1.20
- MDHHS Guidance for Caregivers of Older Adults - Released 3.27.20
- MDHHS Guidance for Healthcare Workers - Released 3.22.20
- MDHHS Information for Behavioral Health Providers - Released 3.20.20
- Clarification on Verbal Consents - Released 9.28.21
- Clarification of -
- - Released 3.19.20
- Telemedicine - COVID-19 Response: Telemedicine Policy Rate Change; MI Care Team
Health Action Plan Telemedicine Coverage - Released 7.15.20 - Govenor Whitmer Signs EO2020-138 Encouraging the use of telehealth servcies during the COVID-19 emergency - Released 6.29.20
- MDHHS COVID-19 Response: Telemedicine Policy Changes, Updates to Coverage for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy - Released 5.5.20
- MDHHS Telemedicine Case Management Monitoring Clarification Memo - Released 4.27.20
- MDHHS Telehealth Rounding Rules for Behavioral Health Services during COVID-19 - Released 4.7.20
- CLS/ABA Telepractice Memo - Released 4.1.20
H2019 TT, DBT group skills training);
- MSA Policy 20-13 - Telemedicine Policy Expansion; PIHP/CMHSP Implications - Released 3.20.20
- - Released 3.19.20
- - Released 3.19.20
MDHHS Issue Updated COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Guidelines for Individuals who have Decision-Making Challenges - Released 11.19.21
MDHHS Guidance for Coordination of Behavioral Health Medicaid Waiver Services and Educational Distance Learning in the COVID-19 Context - Released 10.30.20; Revised 11.5.20
- MDHHS order will allow outdoor visits at residential facilities while continuing to protect residents from COVID-19 - Released 9.10.2020
- MDHHS Reopening Case Management and HCBS Final - Released 7.15.20
- MDHHS Resident Freedom of Movement and Visits with the lifting of the Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order 2020-21 - Released 7.8.20
- MDHHS Epidemic Order Residential Care Visitation - Released 7.1.20
- MDHHS Epidemic Order Congregate and Juvenile Justice Facilities - Released 7.1.20
- 20-09 COVID-19 Testing Consent Guidelines for Individuals with decision-making Challenges - Released 6.30.20
- MDHHS Expansion of visitation at Residential Facilities - Released 6.30.20
- FAQ Regarding COVID-19 Licensed Psychiatric Hospitals - Released 6.2.20
- Children's Home-Based Outpatient Services During Covid-19 - Released 5.11.20
- MSA 20-28 MDHHS COVID-19 Response: Temporary Suspension of Certain Provider Enrollment Requirements; Temporary Suspension of Certain Restrictions and Requirements of the Michigan Public Health Code - Released 4.30.20
- BHDDA Residential Provider Food Support and Local Emergency Managers Listing - Released 4.15.20
- Autism/ABA:
- BHDDA ABA COVID-19 Resources - Released 4.25.20
- MDHHS Behavioral Health Treatment/Applied Behavior Analysis Service - Released 4.1.20
- - Released 3.31.20
- - Released 3.28.20
Clubhouse Guidance and Rate Information - Released 4.3.20
- Resident Freedom of Movement and Visits - Released 4.2.20 (Replaces Service/Setting Concerns)
- LARA AFC/HFC Guidance - Released 4.1.20
- BHDDA OTP Essential Services Dosing Guidance - Released 4.10.20
- BHDDA OTP Infection Control - Released 4.10.20
- SAMHSA & DEA offer Buprenorphine and Telemedicine COVID-19 Guidance - Released 3.31.20
- - Released 3.30.20
- - Released 3.17.20
- - Released 3.16.20
- - Released 3.16.20
Federal Guidance and Resources
- SAMHSA Resources entitled Self-care for Healthcare Professionals and Responders to COVID-19 and New Mobile app, My Mental Health Crisis Plan available to allows individuals who have serious mental illness to create a plan to guide their treatment during a mental health crisis.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides updates on COVID-19, including Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers, effective March 1, 2020.
- The Centers for Disease Control provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals.
- ASAM Resources and technical guidance to the SUD treatment field on issues related to mitigating risk of infection while maintaining service provision.
- COVID-19 Emergency Response - Medicaid Fact Sheet - Updated 3.20.20
- The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) provides guidance on telehealth remote communications and related enforcement discretion that also includes a telehealth .